
Advanced Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics

Sommersemester 2016

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KIP SR 01.404
freitags 11:15

26.7.2016 14:15
Prof. Ralph V. Chamberlin, Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1504, USA
KIP SR 01.403

Some remarkably universal empirical formulas are used to characterize the slow dynamics of disordered materials and imperfect crystals. Stretched-exponential relaxation is used for time-dependent response, non-classical critical scaling is used for temperature-dependent behavior, and 1/f noise is used for frequency-dependent fluctuations. I will describe a common physical foundation for all of these formulas. The behavior may be attributed to strict adherence to the laws of thermodynamics: energy is conserved using Hill’s subdivision potential for nonlinear terms, entropy is maximized using a local thermal bath, and similar states are treated using the statistics of indistinguishable particles. Alternatively, the mechanism may be interpreted using information theory for reversible fluctuations. I will emphasize how specific models based on these principles yield the empirical formulas, plus deviations from the formulas that often match the measured behavior.