KIP publications

year 2010
author(s) I. Morozov, A. Boltalin, O. Volkova, A. Vasiliev, O. Kataeva, U. Stockert, M. Abdel-Hafiez, D. Bombor, A. Bachmann, Harnage L., M. Fuchs, H.-J. Grafe, G. Behr, R. Klingeler, S. Borisenko, C. Hess, S. Wurmehl, B. Buechner.
title Single crystal growth and characterization of superconducting LiFeAs
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 11-02
KIP-Gruppe(n) F25
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) FeSL xtals
source Crystal Growth and Design 10 (2010), 4429-4432
URL LiFeAs-Morozov-2010
KIP - Bibliothek
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