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Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Friday 17:15
15.11.2024 17:00
KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
Robots have achieved unprecedented performance jumps over the last decade. As of
today, however, robot design and build are laborious and suboptimal, costly and
constitute a major limitation in achieving the anticipated robotics revolution. At the
same time, we see intelligent machines that learn and perform tasks, and are able to
generalize their skills to new contexts. However, robot learning faces seemingly
unsolvable hurdles such as disembodied machine learning not being able to leverage
our understanding of the physical reality, finding energy and time efficient solutions,
or generalize to complex and dynamic manipulation skills. In this talk, I will discuss the
autonomous Co-Evolution of Embodiment and Intelligence as the central challenge of
robotics. Only, when robots will evolve in an AI-propelled highly evolutionary process,
we can finally reach the tipping point and automatically synthesize general purpose
robots. I will introduce the concepts of Collective Learning and Optimal Embodied AI
as two main pillars vital to this transformation towards an AI-Accelerated Robot