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Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Friday 17:15
10.10.2024 17:30
INF 308 HS1
Kolloquium der 53. Heidelberger Graduiertentage - Hans Jensen Invited Lecture
18.10.2024 17:00
KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
Festkolloquium anlässlich des 60. Geburtstags von Prof. Dr. Manfred Salmhofer
Fermi liquids are interacting fermion systems whose elementary excitations and low
temperature properties resemble those of a non-interacting Fermi gas. In particular,
the conduction electrons in conventional metals form a Fermi liquid, and many metallic
properties can be understood in terms of a simple Fermi gas model, as is frequently
done in solid state physics courses. The at first sight surprising immunity of Fermi
liquids to interactions is due to Pauli's exclusion principle, which follows from the
fermionic statistics. Fermi liquid theory has been developed by Lev Landau already in
the 1950s, but it was formulated on mathematically rigorous grounds only in the 1990s.
25.10.2024 17:00
INF 308, Hörsaal 1 !!!
Scattering of light is one of the most elementary processes for atoms and is discussed
in many textbooks. We have performed several light scattering experiments which
reveal fundamental quantum aspects. At ultralow temperatures, light scattering is
suppressed or enhanced by Pauli blocking and bosonic stimulation, respectively. Light
scattering can distinguish a superfluid from a Mott insulator. Finally, we have
experimentally investigated whether light is coherent and incoherent when scattered
by single atoms.
15.11.2024 17:00
KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
Robots have achieved unprecedented performance jumps over the last decade. As of
today, however, robot design and build are laborious and suboptimal, costly and
constitute a major limitation in achieving the anticipated robotics revolution. At the
same time, we see intelligent machines that learn and perform tasks, and are able to
generalize their skills to new contexts.
29.11.2024 17:00
Prof. Dr. Oriol Vendrell, Institute for Physical Chemistry (PCI) & Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), University of Heidelberg KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
The microscopic quantum world is increasingly present in our everyday lives and
technology. To keep up, we need to advance theoretical and numerical tools capable
of handling highly dimensional, coupled, and correlated quantum systems. For
molecules, this task is especially challenging due to strong, anharmonic interactions
among nuclei and electrons.
13.12.2024 17:00
KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
Sports occupy an important part of our lives. It is often difficult to flip through the TV
channels without encountering sports shows. Surprisingly, a large fraction of the
intriguing and often spectacular sports actions and feats can be explained using
relatively basic physics concepts. In this talk, I will present and discuss the physics
behind some remarkably creative innovations in popular sports (baseball,
soccer/football, volleyball, basketball, high Jump, gymnastics and swimming) using
basic concepts in classical physics.
24.1.2025 17:00
KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
Addressing the climate challenge requires functional materials that enable energy
generation, storage, and conversion from renewable sources, forming the foundation
for a sustainable energy infrastructure. My group focuses on advancing functional
materials to enable novel energy technologies, including next-generation lighting,
energy storage, and information systems. We leverage high-resolution ultrafast
spectroscopy to investigate the dynamics of local optoelectronic and structural
processes at femtosecond timescales. This approach not only advances material
functionality but also provides new insights into fundamental phenomena critical for
energy applications.
31.1.2025 17:00
KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
Is the neutrino its own antiparticle? What is its mass? What is the nature of dark
matter? These are some of the most profound open questions in particle physics and
cosmology. The LEGEND experiment aims to uncover the nature of the neutrino and
determine its mass by searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay using 1-tonne of
germanium detectors, pushing the discovery sensitivity to an unprecedented level.