Kibble-Zurek scaling of the superfluid-supersolid transition in an elongated dipolar gas
By W. Kirkby,1,2 H. Salman,3,4 T. Gasenzer,1,5 Lauriane Chomaz2,
(1KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 2 PI, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 3 School of Eng., Math., and Phys., Univ. of East Anglia, Norwich, UK; 4 Centre f. Photonics and Quantum Sci., Univ. of East Anglia, Norwich, UK; 5 ITP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany), Nov 2024. 15 pp., 12 figs.
Bogoliubov phonons in a Bose-Einstein condensate from the one-loop perturbative renormalization group
By N. Rasch,1 A. N. Mikheev,1,2 T. Gasenzer1,2,
(1KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 2 ITP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany), Feb 2024. 20 pp., 7 figs.
Universal dynamics at the lowest temperatures
By I. Siovitz, P. Heinen, N. Rasch, S. Lannig, Y. Deller, H. Strobel, M. K. Oberthaler, T. Gasenzer,
Observation of two non-thermal fixed points for the same microscopic symmetry
By S. Lannig, M. Prüfer, Y. Deller, I. Siovitz, J. Dreher, T. Gasenzer, H. Strobel, M. K. Oberthaler,
(KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany), Jun 2023. 13 pp., 10 figs.
Universal dynamics and non-thermal fixed points in quantum fluids far from equilibrium
By A. N. Mikheev,1,2 I. Siovitz,1 T. Gasenzer1,2,
(1KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 2 ITP, Heidelberg Univ.), Apr 2023. 20 pp., 9 figs.
Universal dynamics of rogue waves in a quenched spinor Bose condensate
By I. Siovitz, S. Lannig, Y. Deller, H. Strobel, M. K. Oberthaler, T. Gasenzer,
(KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany), Apr 2023. 12 pp., 7 figs.
Simulating the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition with Complex Langevin
By P. Heinen,1 T. Gasenzer1,2,
(1KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 2 ITP, Heidelberg Univ.), Apr 2023. 14 pp., 10 figs.
Anomalous scaling at non-thermal fixed points of the sine-Gordon model
By P. Heinen, A.N. Mikheev, T. Gasenzer,
(KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Dec 2022. 20 pp., 2 figs.
Non-thermal fixed points of universal sine-Gordon coarsening dynamics
By P. Heinen, A.N. Mikheev, C.-M. Schmied, T. Gasenzer,
(KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Dec 2022. 15 pp., 7 figs.
Complex Langevin approach to interacting Bose gases
By P. Heinen,1 T. Gasenzer1,2,
(1KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 2 ITP, Heidelberg Univ.), Apr 2022. 16 pp., 15 figs.
Vortex motion quantifies strong dissipation in a holographic superfluid
By P. Wittmer,1,2 C.-M. Schmied,2,3 T. Gasenzer,1,2,3 C. Ewerz1,2,
(1ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 2EMMI Darmstadt, Germany; 3KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Nov 2020. 16 pp., 6 figs.
Spiking neuromorphic chip learns entangled quantum states
By S. Czischek,1 A. Baumbach,1 S. Billaudelle,1 B. Cramer,1 L. Kades,2 J. M. Pawlowski,2 M. K. Oberthaler,1 J. Schemmel,1 M. A. Petrovici,3,1 T. Gasenzer,1,2 M. Gärttner1,2,
(1KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 2ITP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 3Dept. of Physiology, Univ. of Bern, Switzerland), Aug 2020. 11 pp., 5 figs.
Collisions of three-component vector solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates
By S. Lannig,1 C.-M. Schmied,1 M. Prüfer,1 P. Kunkel,1 R. Strohmaier,1 H. Strobel,1 T. Gasenzer,1 P. G. Kevrekidis,2 M. K. Oberthaler1,
(1KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, U Mass, Amherst, USA), May 2020. 9 pp., 5 figs.
A Conjecture on the Minimal Size of Bound States
By B. Freivogel,1 T. Gasenzer,2,3 A. Hebecker,3 S. Leonhardt3,
(1ITP, Univ. Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 3ITP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany), Dec 2019. 41 pp., 7 figs.
Sampling scheme for neuromorphic simulation of entangled quantum systems
By S. Czischek,1 J.M. Pawlowski,2 T. Gasenzer,1 M. Gärttner1,
Stability analysis of ground states in a one-dimensional trapped spin-1 Bose gas
By C.-M. Schmied,1,2 T. Gasenzer,1 M. K. Oberthaler,1 P. G. Kevrekidis2,
(1KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, U Mass, Amherst, USA), May 2019. 17 pp., 13 figs.
Published in
CNSNS 83: 105050, 2019
Violation of single-length scaling dynamics via spin vortices in an isolated spin-1 Bose gas
By C.-M. Schmied,1,2 T. Gasenzer,1 P. B. Blakie2,
(1KIP, Heidelberg Univ., Germany; 2Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, University of Otago, New Zealand), Apr 2019. 9 pp., 6 figs.
Bi-directional universal dynamics in a spinor Bose gas close to a non-thermal fixed point
By C.-M. Schmied, M. Prüfer, M. K. Oberthaler, T. Gasenzer,
Non-thermal fixed points: Universal dynamics far from equilibrium
By C.-M. Schmied, A. N. Mikheev, T. Gasenzer,
Low-energy effective theory of non-thermal fixed points in a multicomponent Bose gas
By A. N. Mikheev,1 C.-M. Schmied,1,2 T. Gasenzer1,
(1KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 2Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, University of Otago, New Zealand), Jul 2018. 27 pp., 8 figs. Movie illustration at this http URL
Prescaling in a far-from-equilibrium Bose gas
By C.-M. Schmied,1,2 A. N. Mikheev,1 T. Gasenzer1,
(1KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 2Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, University of Otago, New Zealand), Jul 2018. 7 pp., 5 figs. Movie illustration at this http URL
Observation of universal dynamics in an isolated one-dimensional Bose gas far from equilibrium
By S. Erne,1,2,3,4,5 R. Bücker,1,6 T. Gasenzer,2,3 J. Berges,2 J. Schmiedmayer1,
(1ATI, TU Wien, Austria; 2ITP, U Heidelberg; Germany; 3KIP, U Heidelberg, Germany; 4School of Math. Sci., U Nottingham, UK; 5CQNE, U Nottingham, UK; 6MPSD Hamburg, Germany), May 2018. 12 pp., 9 figs. News and views by M. Kolodrubetz. Presseaussendung der TU Wien. H. Johnston's feature in Physics World. N. Wolchover's article in Quanta magazine. M. Bischoff's Spektrum Podcast 09/2019. S. Erne's article Spektrum der Wissenschaft 10/2019. Published in
Nature 563: 225, 2018
Observation of universal dynamics in a spinor Bose gas far from equilibrium
By M. Prüfer,1 P. Kunkel,1 H. Strobel,1 S. Lannig,1 D. Linnemann,1 C.-M. Schmied,1 J. Berges,2 T. Gasenzer,1 M. K. Oberthaler1,
Published in
Nature 563: 217, 2018
Quenches near criticality of the quantum Ising chain–power and limitations of the discrete truncated Wigner approximation
By S. Czischek,1 M. Gärttner,1 M. Oberthaler,1 M. Kastner,2 T. Gasenzer1,
(1KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 2NITheP and Univ. of Stellenbosch, South Africa), May 2018. 9 pp., 10 figs.
Quenches near Ising quantum criticality as a challenge for artificial neural networks
By S. Czischek, M. Gärttner, T. Gasenzer,
(KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Mar 2018. 11 pp., 8 figs.
Kinetic theory of non-thermal fixed points in a Bose gas
By I. Chantesana, A. Piñeiro Orioli, T. Gasenzer,
(KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and ITP, Univ. Heidelberg, Germany), Jan 2018. 23 pp., 8 figs., 3 tables, plus appendix (23 pp., 8 figs.)
Spatially distributed multipartite entanglement enables Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering of atomic clouds
By P. Kunkel, M. Prüfer, H. Strobel, D. Linnemann, A. Frölian, T. Gasenzer, M. Gärttner, M. K. Oberthaler,
Published in
Science 360: 413, 2018
Quantum quench dynamics of the attractive one-dimensional Bose gas via the coordinate Bethe ansatz
By J. C. Zill,1 T. M. Wright,1 K. V. Kheruntsyan,1 T. Gasenzer,2,3 and M. J. Davis1,4,
(1U Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; 2KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 3EMMI Darmstadt, Germany; 4JILA, UC Boulder, U.S.A.), May 2017. 36 pp., 11 figs.
Universal equilibrium scaling functions at short times after a quench
By M. Karl,1,2 H. Cakir,1,2 J. C. Halimeh,3 M. K. Oberthaler,1,2 M. Kastner,4,5 T. Gasenzer1,2,
(1KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 2EMMI Darmstadt, Germany; 3Physics Dept. & A. Sommerfeld C., LMU, München, Germany; 4NITheP, Stellenbosch, SA; ITP, 5Univ. of Stellenbosch, SA), Apr 2017. 11 pp., 8 figs.
Aus dem Gleichgewicht - Stillstand und Dynamik
By T. Gasenzer,
(KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Dec 2016. 8 pp.; Beitrag zum Forschungsmagazin der Univ. Heidelberg
Strongly anomalous non-thermal fixed point in a quenched two-dimensional Bose gas
By M. Karl,1,2,3 T. Gasenzer1,3,
(1KIP, and 2ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg; Germany; and 3EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Nov 2016. 17 pp., 12 figs.
Prethermalization and universal dynamics in near-integrable quantum systems
By T. Langen,1 T. Gasenzer,2 J. Schmiedmayer3,
(1JILA, CU and NIST, Boulder, USA; 2KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, and EMMI, Darmstadt, Germany; 3Atominstitut, TU Wien, Austria), Mar 2016. 36 pp., 12 figs.; review article for special issue of JSTAT on Quantum Integrability in Out of Equilibrium Systems; comments are welcome
Published in
JSTAT 064009, 2016
Formation of Bose-Einstein condensates
By M. J. Davis,1,2 T. M. Wright,1 T. Gasenzer,3,4 S. A. Gardiner,5 N. P. Proukakis6,
(1U Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; 2JILA, UC Boulder, U.S.A., 3KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 4EMMI Darmstadt, Germany; 5JQC, Durham Univ., UK; 6JQC, Newcastle Univ., UK), Jan 2016. 15 pp., 4 figs. In: Proc. Int. Workshop Univ. Themes in BEC, Leiden, NL.
Geometric phases causing lifetime modifications of metastable states of hydrogen
By M.-I. Trappe,1,2 P. Augenstein,3 M. DeKieviet,3 T. Gasenzer,2,4,5 and O. Nachtmann2,
(1CQT, National Univ. Singapore, Singapore; 2ITP; 3PI, and 4KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 5EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Jan 2016. 15 pp., 18 figs.
A coordinate Bethe ansatz approach to the calculation of equilibrium and nonequilibrium correlations of the one-dimensional Bose gas
By J. C. Zill,1 T. M. Wright,1 K. V. Kheruntsyan,1 T. Gasenzer,2,3 and M. J. Davis1,4,
(1U Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; 2KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 3EMMI Darmstadt, Germany; 4JILA, UC Boulder, U.S.A.), Jan 2016. 17 pp., 8 figs.
Build-up of the Kondo effect from real-time 2PI effective action for the Anderson impurity model
By S. Bock,1,3 A. Liluashvili,1,3 and T. Gasenzer1,2,3,
(1ITP and 2KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 1EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Dec 2015. 25 pp., 20 figs.
Observation of scaling in the dynamics of a strongly quenched quantum gas
By E. Nicklas,1 M. Karl,1 M. Höfer,1 A. Johnson,2 W. Muessel,1 H. Strobel,1 J. Tomkovic,1 T. Gasenzer,1 and M. K. Oberthaler1,
(1KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 2Laboratoire Charles-Fabry, Palaiseau, France), Sep 2015. 10 pp., 4 figs.
Experimental characterization of a quantum many-body system via higher-order correlations
By T. Schweigler,1 V. Kasper,2 S. Erne,1,2 I. Mazets,1 B. Rauer,1 F. Cataldini,1 T. Langen,1 T. Gasenzer,3 J. Berges,2 J. Schmiedmayer1,
(1Atominstitut, TU Wien, Austria; 2ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 3KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), May 2015. 10 pp., 6 figs.; News and Views by I. Spielman. Published in
Nature 545: 323, 2017
Experimental Observation of a Generalized Gibbs Ensemble
By T. Langen,1 S. Erne,1,2,3 R. Geiger,1 B. Rauer,1 T. Schweigler,1 M. Kuhnert,1 W. Rohringer,1 I.E. Mazets,1,4,5 T. Gasenzer,2,3 J. Schmiedmayer1,
(1Atominstitut, TU Wien, Austria; 2ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 3EMMI, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany; 4Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna, Austria; 5Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia), Nov 2014. 9 pp., 4 figs.; Science Perspective by I. Spielman; Press release; Featured in KITP newsletter Spring 2018 (PDF). Published in
Science 348: 185, 2015
Non-Thermal Fixed Point in a Holographic Superfluid
By C. Ewerz, T. Gasenzer, M. Karl, and A. Samberg,
(ITP & KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Oct 2014. 32 pp., 8 figs.
Published in
JHEP 05: 070, 2015
Relaxation dynamics of the Lieb-Liniger gas following an interaction quench: A coordinate Bethe-ansatz analysis
By J. C. Zill,1,2,3 T. M. Wright,1 K. V. Kheruntsyan,1 T. Gasenzer,2,3 and M. J. Davis1,
(1U Queensland, Australia; 2ITP and CQD, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and 3EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Jul 2014. 18 pp., 9 figs.
Anomalous scaling at non-thermal fixed points of Burgers' and Gross-Pitaevskii turbulence
By S. Mathey, T. Gasenzer, and J.M. Pawlowski,
(ITP and CQD, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), May 2014. 21 pp., 12 figs.
Universal scaling at non-thermal fixed points of a two-component Bose gas
By M. Karl, B. Nowak, and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Jul 2013. 13 pp., 12 figs.
Gauge turbulence, topological defect dynamics, and condensation in Higgs models
By T. Gasenzer, L. McLerran, J. M. Pawlowski, D. Sexty,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg & EMMI Darmstadt, Germany; RIKEN BNL, U.S.A.; and China CNU, Wuhan, China), Jul 2013. 16 pp., 14 figs.
Non-thermal fixed points: universality, topology, & turbulence in Bose gases
By B. Nowak, S. Erne, M. Karl, J. Schole, D. Sexty, and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Feb 2013. 37 pp., 16 figs., in Strongly Interacting Quantum Systems out of Equilibrium, edited by T. Giamarchi, A. Millis, O. Parcollet, H. Saleur, L. Cugliandolo.
Tuning universality far from equilibrium
By M. Karl, B. Nowak, and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Feb 2013. 8 pp., 5 figs.
Universal dynamics on the way to thermalisation
By B. Nowak, Jan Schole and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), June 2012. 5 pp., 6 figs.
Finite-size effects in strongly interacting Rydberg gases
By M. Gärttner1,2, K. P. Heeg1, T. Gasenzer1,2, and J. Evers1,
(1: MPI f. Kernphysik, Heidelberg; 2: ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), May 2012. 9 pp., 7 figs.
Critical Dynamics of a Two-dimensional Superfluid near a Non-Thermal Fixed Point
By J. Schole, B. Nowak, and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Apr 2012. 9 pp., 11 figs.
Nonthermal fixed points and solitons in a one-dimensional Bose gas
By M. Schmidt, S. Erne, B. Nowak, D. Sexty, and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Mar 2012. 12 pp., 11 figs.
Dynamic formation of Rydberg aggregates at off-resonant excitation
By M. Gärttner1,2, K. P. Heeg1, T. Gasenzer1,2, and J. Evers1,
(1: MPI f. Kernphysik, Heidelberg; 2: ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Mar 2012. 5 pp., 4 figs.
Nonthermal fixed points, vortex statistics, and superfluid turbulence in an ultracold Bose gas
By B. Nowak, J. Schole, D. Sexty, and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Nov 2011. 20 pp., 23 figs.
Charge separation in Reheating after Cosmological Inflation
By T. Gasenzer, B. Nowak, and D. Sexty,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Aug 2011. 4 pp., 6 figs.
Metastable states of hydrogen: their geometric phases and flux densities
By T. Gasenzer, O. Nachtmann, and M.-I. Trappe,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Aug 2011. 28 pp., 12 figs.
Non-equilibrium Quantum Many-Body Dynamics: Functional Integral Approaches
By C. Bodet, M. Kronenwett, B. Nowak, D. Sexty, and T. Gasenzer,
Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics (Vol. 1 Cold Atoms Series). N.P. Proukakis, S.A. Gardiner, M.J. Davis and M.H. Szymanska, eds. Imperial College Press, London 2013
Superfluid Turbulence: Nonthermal Fixed Point in an Ultracold Bose Gas
By B. Nowak, D. Sexty, and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Dec 2010. 4 pp., 5 figs.
Real-time effective-action approach to the Anderson quantum dot
By D. Sexty, T. Gasenzer, and J. M. Pawlowski,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Dec 2010. 12 pp., 13 figs.
Far-from-equilibrium dynamics of an ultracold Fermi gas
By M. Kronenwett and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Dec 2010. 20 pp., 11 figs.
Non-thermal equilibration of a one-dimensional Fermi gas
By M. Kronenwett and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Mar 2010. 4 pp., 4 figs.
Far-from-equilibrium quantum many-body dynamics
By T. Gasenzer, S. Keßler, and J.M. Pawlowski,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Mar 2010. 20 pp., 6 figs.
Longitudinal Atomic Beam Spin Echo Experiments: A possible way to study Parity Violation in Hydrogen
By M. DeKieviet,1 T. Gasenzer,2,3 O. Nachtmann,2 M.-I. Trappe2,
Two-mode Bose gas: Beyond classical squeezing
By C. Bodet (1,3), J. Estève (2), M. K. Oberthaler (2,3), and T. Gasenzer (1,3),
(1: ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, 2: KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, 3: EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Feb 2010. 15 pp., 16 figs.
Matter Wave Turbulence: Beyond Kinetic Scaling
By C. Scheppach (1), J. Berges (2,3), and T. Gasenzer (1,3),
(1: Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, 2: TU Darmstadt, Germany, 3: EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Dec 2009. 18 pp., 2 figs.
Single-particle density matrix for a time-dependent strongly interacting one-dimensional Bose gas
By R. Pezer (1), T. Gasenzer (2), and H. Buljan (1),
(1: Univ. of Zagreb, Croatia, 2: Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Jul 2009. 7 pp., 2 figs.
A computer controlled pendulum with position readout
By H. Hauptfleisch, T. Gasenzer, K. Meier, O. Nachtmann, and J. Schemmel,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), May 2009. 9 pp., 9 figs.
Ultracold gases far from equilibrium
By Thomas Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Nov 2008. 59 pp., 26 figs. Lecture notes, 46. Int. Universitätswochen f. Theoret. Physik, Schladming, Austria, 2008
Parity Violation in Hydrogen and Longitudinal Atomic Beam Spin Echo I
By T. Bergmann, T. Gasenzer, M. DeKieviet, O. Nachtmann, and M.-I. Trappe,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Mar 2008. 27 pp., 10 figs.
Free expansion of a Lieb-Liniger gas: Asymptotic form of the wave functions
By D. Jukić (1), R. Pezer (1), T. Gasenzer (2,3), and H. Buljan (1),
(1: Univ. of Zagreb, Croatia, 2: Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, 3: KITP, Sta Barbara, CA), Apr 2008. 7 pp., 2 figs.
2PI nonequilibrium versus transport equations for an ultracold Bose gas
By A. Branschädel and T. Gasenzer,
(University of Heidelberg, Germany), Jan 2008. 24 pp., 7 figs.
Towards far-from-equilibrium quantum field dynamics: A functional renormalisation-group approach
By T. Gasenzer, and J. M. Pawlowski,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Oct 2007. 6 pp., 5 figs.
Fermi-Bose transformation for the time-dependent Lieb-Liniger gas
By H. Buljan (1), R. Pezer (1), and T. Gasenzer (2),
(1: Univ. of Zagreb, Croatia, 2: Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Sep 2007. 4 pp., 1 fig.
Metastable states, the adiabatic theorem and parity violating geometric phases II
By T. Bergmann, T. Gasenzer, and O. Nachtmann,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Mar 2007. 63 pp., 8 figs., 10 tables
Metastable states, the adiabatic theorem and parity violating geometric phases I
By T. Bergmann, T. Gasenzer, and O. Nachtmann,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Mar 2007. 30 pp.
Quantum versus classical statistical dynamics of an ultracold Bose gas
By J. Berges and T. Gasenzer,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Mar 2007. 19 pp., 10 figs.
Dynamics of correlations in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
By K. Goral (1), T. Köhler (1), T. Gasenzer (2), and K. Burnett (1),
(1: University of Oxford, UK; 2: University of Heidelberg, Germany), Nov 2003. 5 pp., 1 fig.
Pulsed Raman output coupler for an atom laser
By J. Ruostekoski (1), T. Gasenzer (2), and D.A.W. Hutchinson (3),
(1: Univ. of Hertfortshire, UK; Univ. of Oxford, UK; 3: Univ. of Otago, NZ), Jul 2003. 4 pp., 4 figs.
Heating and atom loss during upward ramps of Feshbach resonance levels in Bose-Einstein condensates
By T. Köhler (1), K. Goral (1), T. Gasenzer (2),
(1: University of Oxford, UK; 2: University of Heidelberg, Germany), Apr 2004. 11 pp., 7 figs.
Long-range nature of Feshbach molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates
By T. Köhler (1), T. Gasenzer, P. Julienne (2), and K. Burnett (1),
(1: University of Oxford, UK; 2: NIST, Gaithersburg, U.S.A.), Feb 2003. 5 pp., 3 figs.
Microscopic Theory of Oscillations between Atoms and Molecules in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
By T. Köhler, T. Gasenzer, and K. Burnett,
Interactions in Ultracold Gases: From Atoms to Molecules. M. Weidemüller, C. Zimmermann (eds.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2005
Microscopic theory of atom-molecule oscillations in a Bose-Einstein condensate
By T. Köhler, T. Gasenzer, and K. Burnett,
(1: University of Oxford, UK), Sep 2002. 18 pp., 20 figs.
Limitations of squeezing due to collisional decoherence in Bose-Einstein condensates
By T. Gasenzer,
(Univ. of Oxford, UK), Feb 2002. 17 pp., 3 figs.
Limitations of light delay and storage times in electromagnetically induced transparency experiments with condensates
By D.C. Roberts, T. Gasenzer, and K. Burnett,
(Univ. of Oxford, UK), Jan 2002. 4 pp., 4 figs.
Metastable states of hydrogen: their geometric phases and flux densities
By T. Gasenzer, O. Nachtmann, and M.-I. Trappe,
(ITP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; and EMMI Darmstadt, Germany), Aug 2011. 28 pp., 12 figs.
Parity Violation in Hydrogen and Longitudinal Atomic Beam Spin Echo I
By T. Bergmann, T. Gasenzer, M. DeKieviet, O. Nachtmann, and M.-I. Trappe,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Mar 2008. 27 pp., 10 figs.
Metastable states, the adiabatic theorem and parity violating geometric phases II
By T. Bergmann, T. Gasenzer, and O. Nachtmann,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Mar 2007. 63 pp., 8 figs., 10 tables
Metastable states, the adiabatic theorem and parity violating geometric phases I
By T. Bergmann, T. Gasenzer, and O. Nachtmann,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Mar 2007. 30 pp.
Large parity violating effects in atomic dysprosium with nearly degenerate Floquet eigenvalues
By T. Gasenzer and O. Nachtmann,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Sep 1999. HD-THEP-99-21, 29 pp.
Parity violating energy shifts in atoms, I
By D. Bruß, T. Gasenzer and O. Nachtmann,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Feb 1998. HD-THEP-97-36, 71 pp.
New observables for parity violation in atoms: Energy shifts in external electric fields
By D. Bruß, T. Gasenzer, and O. Nachtmann,
(Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany), Oct 1997. HD-THEP-97-52, 29 pp.
Non-thermal fixed points: Universal dynamics far from equilibrium
By C.-M. Schmied, A. N. Mikheev, T. Gasenzer,
Non-thermal fixed points: universality, topology, & turbulence in Bose gases
By B. Nowak, S. Erne, M. Karl, J. Schole, D. Sexty, and T. Gasenzer,
Formation of Bose-Einstein condensates
By M. J. Davis,1,2 T. M. Wright,1 T. Gasenzer,3,4 S. A. Gardiner,5 N. P. Proukakis6,
(1U Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; 2JILA, UC Boulder, U.S.A., 3KIP, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany; 4EMMI Darmstadt, Germany; 5JQC, Durham Univ., UK; 6JQC, Newcastle Univ., UK), Jan 2016. 15 pp., 4 figs. In: Proc. Int. Workshop Univ. Themes in BEC, Leiden, NL.
Non-equilibrium Quantum Many-Body Dynamics: Functional Integral Approaches
By C. Bodet, M. Kronenwett, B. Nowak, D. Sexty, and T. Gasenzer,
Quantum Gases: Finite Temperature and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics (Vol. 1 Cold Atoms Series). N.P. Proukakis, S.A. Gardiner, M.J. Davis and M.H. Szymanska, eds. Imperial College Press, London 2013
Longitudinal Atomic Beam Spin Echo Experiments: A possible way to study Parity Violation in Hydrogen
By M. DeKieviet,1 T. Gasenzer,2,3 O. Nachtmann,2 M.-I. Trappe2,
Ultracold atomic quantum gases far from equilibrium
By T. Gasenzer, J. Berges, M. G. Schmidt, M. Seco,
Microscopic Theory of Oscillations between Atoms and Molecules in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
By T. Köhler, T. Gasenzer, and K. Burnett,
Interactions in Ultracold Gases: From Atoms to Molecules. M. Weidemüller, C. Zimmermann (eds.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2005