
Advanced Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics

Wintersemester 2016/2017

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KIP SR 01.404
freitags 11:15

27.1.2017 11:15
Prof. Dr. Gerd Schön, Institut für Theoretische Festkörperphysik, Universität Karlsruhe
KIP SR 01.404

We study the dynamics of a two-dimensional ensemble of randomly distributed classical Heisenberg spins with isotropic RKKY and weaker anisotropic dipole-dipole couplings. Such ensembles may give rise to the flux noise observed in SQUIDs with a 1/f^α power spectrum (α≲1). We solve numerically the Landau-Lifshiftz-Gilbert equations of motion in the dissipationless limit. We find that Ising type fluctuators, which arise from spin clustering close to a spin-glass critical behavior with T_c=0, give rise to 1/f^α noise. Even weak anisotropic interactions lead to a crossover from the Heisenberg-type criticality to the much stronger Ising-type criticality. The temperature dependent exponent α(T)≲1 grows and approaches unity when the temperature is lowered. This mechanism acts in parallel to the spin diffusion mechanism. Whereas the latter is sensitive to the device geometry, the spin-clustering mechanism is largely geometry independent.


Based on the paper:

Juan Atalaya, John Clarke, Gerd Schön, Alexander Shnirman
Phys. Rev. B 90, 014206 (2014)