
Advanced Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics (AG Enss)

URL to ICS calendar of this seminar
Prof. Dr. Christian Enss
KIP SR 01.404
Friday 11:15

15.11.2024 11:15 - 13:00
Prof. Dr. Hermann Suderow, Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas y Altos Campos Magnéticos,Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
KIP SR 01.404

In this talk I will discuss the discovery of two-dimensional heavy fermions (2DHF) made of 5f electrons with an effective mass 17 times the free electron mass. These 2DHF present quantized states at terraces. The energy separation between quantized levels is of a fraction of a meV and the level width is set by the interaction with correlated bulk states [1]. Interestingly, we find a new connection between bulk and surface features. I will also present new insight into the charge density modulation of the unconventional, possibly spin triplet, superconductor UTe2.

[1] Quantum-well states at the surface of a heavy-fermion superconductor, Edwin Herrera, Isabel Guillamón, Víctor Barrena, William J. Herrera, Jose Augusto Galvis, Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Ján Rusz, Peter M. Oppeneer, Georg Knebel, Jean Pascal Brison, Jacques Flouquet, Dai Aoki & Hermann Suderow, Nature 616, pp 465–469 (2023).