
Particle Colloquium

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Physikalisches Institut, Kleiner Hörsaal
Tuesday 17:15

23.4.2024 17:00
Prof. Bjoern Penning, Universität Zürich
Goldbox, INF 226, EG
The nature of dark matter (DM) is one of the most important questions in modern physics. In this presentation, we will review the status of DM searches and present the status of two complementary experiments with the capability to provide the most powerful experimental sensitivity for particle DM today and in the next few years, LZ and TESSERACT   more...
30.4.2024 17:00
Giovanni Dal Maso, Paul Scherrer Institut, Schweiz
INF 226, Goldbox, EG
Charged Lepton Flavor Violation is a sensitive probe to Beyond Standard Model physics, allowing to test energy scales otherwise unreachable at collider machines, and rare muon decays provide background free channels for such measurements. In this context, the MEG II collaboration aims to measure the µ?e? decay with a target sensitivity of 6e-14 at 90% CL, one order of magnitude better than its predecessor. The MEG detector underwent major upgrades in all its subsystems and the physics run started in 2021.   more...
7.5.2024 17:00
Dr. Tamasi Kar, Physikalisches Institut Universität Heidelberg
INF 226, Goldbox, EG
14.5.2024 17:00
Dr. Dominik Mitzel, Technische Universität Dortmund
INF 226, Goldbox, EG
21.5.2024 17:00
Aishik Ghosh, LBL, Berkeley, CERN
INF 226, Goldbox, EG
4.6.2024 17:00
Dr. Christoph Krieger, Institut für Experimentelle Physik Universität Hamburg
INF 226, EG, Goldbox
18.6.2024 17:00
Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Schweiz
INF 226, EG, Goldbox
25.6.2024 17:00
INF 226, Goldbox, EG
2.7.2024 17:00
Dr. Priscilla Pani, DESY, Zeuthen
INF 226, EG, Goldbox
9.7.2024 17:00
Dr. Axel Lindner, DESY Hamburg
INF 226, EG, Goldbox
16.7.2024 17:00
Aditi Pradeep, University of British Columbia, Canada
INF 226, EG, Goldbox
23.7.2024 17:00
INF 226, EG, Goldbox