Wintersemester 2023/2024
URL to ICS calendar of this seminar
Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Friday 17:15
20.10.2023 17:00
Prof. Dr. Peer Fischer, Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials, Heidelberg University KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
Microorganisms can move in complex media, respond to the environment and self-organize. The field of
nano- and microrobotics takes inspiration from nature and strives to achieve these functions in synthetic
systems. However, building synthetic motors and machines ‘bottom up’ such that they can mimic
biological matter and function autonomously or such that they can be controlled externally, is
challenging. Symmetry-breaking appears to be a pre-requisite for achieving many interesting functions
including locomotion, but is difficult to realize with most colloidal and molecular systems. I will describe
a physical vapor deposition process that permits us to obtain large numbers of designer micro- and
nanostructures with defined shape and material composition. These enable a number of applications,
including the realization of nanopropellers that take inspiration from bacteria and that can be used to
penetrate soft biological tissues. How one may achieve and control propulsion with magnetic, electric
and chemical fields is discussed, as well as aspects of biocompatibility and potential applications in the
field of targeted delivery. At slightly larger scales, it is of interest to move and position cells, which is a
pre-requisite for efficient implementation of tissue engineering. Moving cells one-by-one is possible in
3D printing, but as will be shown, it is also possible to move cells with a newly observed acoustic effect,
the acoustic hologram – that promises ‘one shot’ assembly of matter in 3D.