year | 2020 |
author(s) | Akos F. Kungl, Dominik Dold, Oskar Riedler, Mihai A. Petrovici, Walter Senn |
title | Deep reinforcement learning for time-continuous substrates |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 20-16 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F9 |
document type | Paper |
source | Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements Workshop (NICE), 2020 Heidelberg, Germany |
Abstract (en) | To achieve their goal of realizing fast and energy-efficient learning, neuromorphic systems require computationally powerful models that obey the constraints imposed by a physical implementation of neural network structure and dynamics, such as the inevitability of relaxation times or the locality of plasticity. In this work, we provide a first-principles derivation of a mechanistic model for cortical computation based on the premise of "neuronal least action". The resulting time-continuous neuron and synapse dynamics realize gradient-descent learning through error backpropagation both in supervised and in reinforcement learning scenarios. In particular, the derived equations of motion reproduce well-established microscopic phenomena such as neuronal leaky integration of afferent signals, while enabling synaptic learning using only locally available information. Our principled framework can thus serve as a starting point for hardware-focused models of highly efficient time-continuous learning. |
bibtex | @conference{kungl2020deep, author = {Kungl, Akos F. and Dold, Dominik and Riedler, Oskar and Petrovici, Mihai A. and Senn, Walter}, title = {Deep reinforcement learning for time-continuous substrates}, booktitle = {}, year = {2020}, volume = {}, pages = {} } |
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