year | 2023 |
author(s) | Marcel Haas |
title | Non-linear Dynamics of Two-Level Systems in Non-equilibrium |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 23-38 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F3 |
document type | Dissertation |
Abstract (de) | Der dielektrische Verlust von amorphen Materialien ist zusammen mit Rauschen und Dekoharenz einer der groten limitierenden Faktoren fur viele Tieftemperaturanwendungen wie supraleitenden Schaltungen, Josephson-Kontakte und Quantencomputing. Diese Eekte sind heutzutage erklarbar als das Resultat eines Ensembles von quantenmechanischen Zwei-Niveau-Systemen, die als zusatzliche und breitverteilte Niedrigenergieanregungen |
Abstract (en) | The dielectric loss of amorphous materials along with noise and decoherence are the major limiting factors for many applications at low temperatures like superconducting circuits, Josephson junctions and quantum computing. These eects are nowadays understood as the consequence of an ensemble of quantum mechanical two-level systems (TLSs), which are described as additional broadly distributed low-energy excitations in the sample. In this context, the thesis at hand presents a unique property of an amorphous material when two pump-tones are applied. In this limit the utilized LC-resonator is emitting at the intermediate frequency of the two o-resonant driving fields. The underlying mechanism can be explained by a non-linear interaction of the |
bibtex | @phdthesis{haa23, author = {Marcel Haas}, title = {Non-linear Dynamics of Two-Level Systems in Non-equilibrium}, school = {Universität Heidelberg}, year = {2023} } |
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