KIP publications

year 2020
author(s) Benjamin Cramer, David Stöckel, Markus Kreft, Michael Wibral, Johannes Schemmel, Karlheinz Meier, Viola Priesemann
title Control of criticality and computation in spiking neuromorphic networks with plasticity
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 20-106
KIP-Gruppe(n) F9
document type Paper
source Nature Communications 11 (2020) 1-11
  author   = {Cramer, Benjamin and St{\"o}ckel, David and Kreft, Markus and Wibral, Michael and Schemmel, Johannes and Meier, Karlheinz and Priesemann, Viola},
  title    = {Control of criticality and computation in spiking neuromorphic networks with plasticity},
  journal  = {Nature Communications},
  year     = {2020},
  volume   = {11},
  pages    = {1--11},
  doi      = {}
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