KIP publications

year 2020
author(s) Xiaoyang Duan
title Dynamic Nanoplasmonics
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 20-73
KIP-Gruppe(n) F28
document type Dissertation
Abstract (en)

The key component of nanoplasmonics is metals. For a long time, gold and silver have been the metals of choice for constructing plasmonic nanodevices, given their excellent optical properties. However, these metals possess a common characteristic, i.e., their optical responses are static. In the past decade, tremendous interest has been witnessed in dynamically controlling the optical properties of plasmonic nanostructures. To enable dynamic functionality, several approaches have been proposed and implemented. First one is to tune the dielectric surroundings of plasmonic nanostructures. Second one is to manipulate the configurations of plasmonic structures. Third one, which is probably the most intriguing one, is to directly regulate the carrier densities and dielectric functions of the metals themselves.

Magnesium is one of the promising candidates, as it exhibits excellent optical properties at high frequencies and can absorb/desorb hydrogen, undergoing reversible transitions between metal and dielectric hydride states. This offers great opportunities to design and construct dynamic optical nanodevices at visible frequencies. We envision that Mg-based dynamic nanoplasmonics will not only provide insights into understanding the catalytic processes of hydrogen diffusion in metals by optical means but also it will open an avenue towards functional plasmonic nanodevices with tailored optical properties for real-world applications.

  author   = {Xiaoyang Duan},
  title    = {Dynamic Nanoplasmonics},
  school   = {Universität Heidelberg},
  year     = {2019}
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