KIP publications

year 2017
author(s) Jochen Vogt, Sören Zimmermann, Christian Huck, Michael Tzschoppe, Frank Neubrech, Sergej Fatikow, and Annemarie Pucci
title Chemical Identification of Individual Fine Dust Particles with Resonant Plasmonic Enhancement of Nanoslits in the Infrared
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 17-09
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
source ACS Photonics 4 (2017) 560-566
doi 10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00812
Abstract (en)

We demonstrate the capability of single plasmonically active nanoslits for sensing of small fine dust particles via surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy. Investigating phononic excitations of individual spherical silica particles coupled to the plasmonic excitation of single nanoslits, we are able to detect and chemically identify single spheres with diameters of 240 nm by their enhanced phononic signal. The single silica spheres in nanoslits lead to Fano-type phononic signals on the plasmonic background. The enhancement of the phononic silica signal is highest for particles located in the middle of the slit, in accordance with the FDTD-simulated near-field distribution along the slit at resonance. Our results reveal, that resonant plasmonic nanoslits are promising substrates for SEIRA spectroscopy of fine and ultra fine dust particles and guide the way towards SEIRA based dust sensing devices.

  author   = {Jochen Vogt, Sören Zimmermann, Christian Huck, Michael Tzschoppe, Frank Neubrech, Sergej Fatikow, and Annemarie Pucci},
  title    = {Chemical Identification of Individual Fine Dust Particles with Resonant Plasmonic Enhancement of Nanoslits in the Infrared},
  journal  = {ACS Photonics},
  year     = {2017},
  volume   = {4},
  number   = {3},
  pages    = {560-566},
  doi      = {10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00812}
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