year | 2014 |
author(s) | Daniel Simon Rothfuss |
title | Thermische Eigenschaften von supraleitenden massiven metallischen Gläsern bei ultratiefen Temperaturen |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 14-102 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F3,F5 |
document type | Dissertation |
Keywords (shown) | bulk metallic glasses, noise thermometer, BMG |
Abstract (de) | Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden erstmalig die thermischen Eigenschaften von supraleitenden massiven metallischen Gläsern im Temperaturbereich zwischen 6mK und 300K untersucht. Die Messung der Wärmeleitfähigkeit bietet die Möglichkeit fundamentale Wechselwirkungsmechanismen zu beobachten, die den Wärmetransport in Festkörpern bestimmen. |
Abstract (en) | This thesis describes the first investigation of thermal properties of superconducting bulk metallic glasses in the range between 6mK and 300 K. Measuring the thermal conductivity provides the possibility to probe the fundamental interactions governing the heat flow in solids. At ultralow temperatures a novel contactless measuring technique was used, which is based on optical heating and paramagnetic temperature sensors that are read out by a SQUID magnetometer. Below the critical temperature TC the results can be described by resonant scattering of phonons by tunneling systems. Above TC the phonon contribution to the thermal conductivity can be described successfully within a model considering not only electrons and phonons but also localized modes as scattering centres. To expand the accessible temperature range for experiments an adiabatic nuclear demagnetization refrigerator was set up. For measuring the base temperature a novel noise thermometer was developed which enables continuous measuring of the temperature in this temperature range for the first time. Therefor the magnetic Johnson noise of a massive copper cylinder is simultaneously monitored by two SQUID magnetometers. A subsequent cross-correlation suppresses the amplifier noise by more than one order of magnitude. The thermometer |
bibtex | @phdthesis{rothfuss2013, author = {Rothfuss, Daniel Simon}, title = {Thermal properties of superconducting bulk metallic glasses at ultralow temperatures}, school = {Universität Heidelberg}, year = {2013}, month = {November} } |