year | 2014 |
author(s) | N. Kröger, A. Egl, M. Engel, N. Gretz, K. Haase, I. Herpich, S. Neudecker, A. Pucci, A. Schönhals, W. Petrich |
title | Rapid hyperspectral imaging in the mid-infrared |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 14-28 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F6,F23 |
document type | Paper |
source | Proc. SPIE 8939 (2014) 89390Z-7 |
doi | 10.1117/12.2041988 |
Abstract (en) | Despite the successes of mid-infrared hyperspectral imaging in a research environment, progress in the migration of technology into the day-to-day clinical application is slow. Clinical acceptance may be improved if the spectroscopy would be faster and the infrared microscopes available at lower cost. Here we present first results of a fast, multi-scale mid-infrared microscopy setup which allows for the investigation of 10.6×11.7 mm2 and 2.8×3.1mm2 fields of view with a resolution of 23.0±3.5 µm and 9.4±1.8 µm, respectively. Tunable quantum cascade lasers in the wavenumber ranges of 1030-1090 cm-1 and 1160-1320 cm-1 serve as light sources. A vapor cell is used as a frequency reference during the rapid scanning. As far as the imaging is concerned, it is the high spectral power density of the quantum cascade laser which enables the use of a microbolometer array while still obtaining reasonable signal-to-noise ratios on each pixel. Hyperspectral images are taken in times which can be as low as 52s for the overall image acquisition including referencing. |
bibtex | @proceedings{KroegerSPIE2014, title = {Rapid hyperspectral imaging in the mid-infrared}, year = {2014}, volume = {8939} } |