year | 2013 |
author(s) | Marc-Olivier Schwartz |
title | Reproducing Biologically Realistic Regimes on a Highly-Accelerated Neuromorphic Hardware System |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 13-87 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F9 |
document type | Dissertation |
Abstract (en) | Analog implementations of neural networks have several advantages over computer simulations: they are usually faster, more energy efficient and fault-tolerant. However, compared to purely digital systems, analog hardware is subject to transistor size mismatches. For neuromorphic systems, and in particular for neuron circuits, this means that there will be neuron-to-neuron variations on the chip, resulting in a different behavior for each hardware neuron. This is why a calibration step is necessary to compensate these variations, and guarantee a correct operation of all neuron circuits.
bibtex | @phdthesis{schwartz2013diss, author = {Marc-Olivier Schwartz}, title = {Reproducing Biologically Realistic Regimes on a Highly-Accelerated Neuromorphic Hardware System}, school = {Universität Heidelberg}, year = {2013} } |
URL | Abstract and full text download |