year | 2013 |
author(s) | Gudrun Ruyters |
title | Phasenkohärenz und Energierelaxation von Tunnelsystemen in Gläsern |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 13-05 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F3 |
document type | Dissertation |
source | (2013) |
Abstract (de) | Die Tieftemperatureigenschaften von Gläsern werden durch atomare Tunnelsysteme (TS) bestimmt. Deren Einfluss auf viele physikalische Größen kann durch das Standardtunnelmodell gut beschrieben werden. Betrachtet man jedoch dynamische |
Abstract (en) | The low-temperature properties of glassy materials are governed by atomic tunnelling systems (TS). Many physical quantities can be described well by applying the standard tunnelling model. However, when dynamic properties are investigated the interaction between TS and phonons (relaxation) and TS and neighbouring TS (spectral diffusion) have to be taken into account. The study of the decay of dielectric polarization echoes with increasing delay times sheds light on relaxation and decoherence processes of TS in glasses. In this thesis 2- and 3-pulse as well as rotary echo measurements in the borosilicate glass BK7 have been performed for the first time up to very long pulse separation times > 10 ms and compared to numerical calculations which include the theories of spectral diffusion and relaxation. We conclude that there exists a subset of TS that only very weakly take part in relaxation and decoherence due to a small value of the deformation potential. This leads to a much slower decay of the echo amplitude than expected. Assuming a distribution of deformation potentials including very small values, all data sets could be fitted consistently with one set of parameters. |