year | 2012 |
author(s) | C. Vrančić |
title | Kontinuierliche, reagensfreie Glucosebestimmung |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 12-59 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F23 |
document type | Dissertation |
Abstract (de) | Die häufige Überwachung der Glucosekonzentration kann sowohl akute Risiken als auch Langzeitkomplikationen für Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus, einer Störung des Glucosemetabolismus, verringern. Der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz einer minimal-invasiven, kontinuierlichen Glucosebestimmung nutzt die Spektroskopie molekularer Schwingungen und macht dabei von der hohen Sensitivität und Selektivität der reagensfreien, fasergebundenen Transmissionsspektroskopie im mittleren infraroten Spektralbereich Gebrauch. |
Abstract (en) | The frequent control of glucose concentration can reduce short-term risks and long-term complications for patients with diabetes mellitus, a disorder of glucose metabolism. The approach of minimally invasive, continuous glucose monitoring presented in this work employs the spectroscopy of molecular vibrations and makes use of the high sensitivity and selectivity of reagent-free, fiber-based transmission spectroscopy in the mid-infrared spectral region. Quantum chemical simulations described the impact of the solvation process onto the vibrational spectrum of glucose using effective fragment potentials. For an averaging over 80 single spectra with 18 surrounding water molecules each, a very good correlation with experimental data (R=0.941) was established. In-vitro measurements with aqueous solutions utilized a quantum cascade laser at an emission wavelength of 9.69µm and a specially designed fiber optical sensor to achieve a noise-equivalent concentration as low as 0,6mg/dL with an integration time of 4s. For the first time, the results could clearly show the in-vitro feasibility of the approach. The experiments were accompanied by investigations regarding potentially interfering substances and means to improve the biocompatibility of the fiber sensor. The in-vivo suitability of a subcutaneously implanted sensor could finally be demonstrated in first measurements. |
URL | HeiDOK |