KIP publications

year 2010
author(s) Matthias Ehrlich, Karsten Wendt, Lukas Zühl, Rene Schüffny, Daniel Brüderle, Eric Müller and Bernhard Vogginger
title A software framework for mapping neural networks to a wafer-scale neuromorphic hardware system
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 10-29
KIP-Gruppe(n) F9
document type Paper
source Proceedings of the 2010 Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing Conference (ANNIIP)
Abstract (en)

In this contribution we will provide the reader with outcomes of the development of a novel software framework for an unique wafer-scale neuromorphic hardware system. The hardware system is described in an abstract manner, followed by its software framework which is in the focus of this paper. We then introduce the benchmarks applied for process evaluation and provide examples of the achieved results.

  author   = {Ehrlich, M. and Wendt, K. and Z\"uhl, L. and Sch\"uffny, R. and Br\"uderle, D. and M\"uller, E. and Vogginger, B.},
  title    = {A software framework for mapping neural networks to a wafer-scale neuromorphic hardware system},
  journal  = {Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing Conference (ANNIIP) 2010},
  volume   = {},
  year     = {2010},
  pages    = {43--52}
Datei Fulltext PDF
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