year | 2009 |
author(s) | Klaus Urban |
title | Measurement of Inclusive and DiJet D*-Meson Photoproduction at the H1 Experiment at HERA |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 09-13 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F10 |
document type | Dissertation |
Abstract (de) | In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Produktionsmechanismus von Charm-Quarks in Elektron-Proton-Streuungen am Speicherring HERA untersucht. Der analysierte Datensatz entspricht Luminositäten von 30.68 pb-1, 68.23 pb-1 und 93.39 pb-1. Der Nachweis von Ereignissen mit Charm-Quarks erfolgt durch die Rekonstruktion von D*-Mesonen im kinematischen Bereich der Photoproduktion. D*-Mesonen werden erstmals mit Hilfe der dritten Stufe des Fast-Track-Triggers des H1-Experiments selektiert. Hierdurch konnte der Phasenraum im Vergleich zur vorangegangenen Messung entscheidend erweitert und die Statistik um einen Faktor acht erhöht werden. Der untersuchte kinematische Bereich erstreckt sich über eine Photonvirtualität von Q2<2 GeV2 und eine Schwerpunktsenergie des Photon-Proton-Systems von 100 D*-Mesonen werden mit einem minimalen transversalen Impuls von 1.8 GeV im Bereich der Pseudorapidität |η| <1.5 untersucht. Die Messung in Photoproduktion und kleinen pt(D*) liegt an der Grenze zur Gültigkeit der pertubativen QCD und ist daher von besonderem Interesse. |
Abstract (en) | In the present analysis the production mechanism of charm quarks in electron proton scattering at the HERA collider is investigated using 30.68 pb-1, 68.2 3 pb-1 and 93.39 pb-1 of data collected with the H1 experiment. Events containing charm quarks are detected by the reconstruction of D* mesons in the kinematic domain of photoproduction. For the first time D* mesons are selected on the basis of the third level of the H1 Fast Track Trigger. Compared to the previous analysis the phase space studied was extended significantly and the data statistics increased by a factor of eight. The investigated kinematic region covers photons of virtuality of Q2<2 GeV2 and photon-proton center-of-mass energies in the range of 100 D* mesons are measured with transverse momenta of at least 1.8 GeV and pseudorapidities |η| < 1.5. The measurement in photoproduction and low pt(D*) is of particular interest since it allows the test of different theoretical models at the limit of applicability of pertubative QCD. In a further measurement, which is based on the events with D* mesons, at least two jets are selected. Jets with pt > 4 GeV and pt > 3 GeV, are studied in the pseudorapidity range of |η| < 1.5, where one of the selected jets is associated with the D* meson. The investigation of two hard partons, by means of the jets, results in an improved understanding of the production mechanism of charm quarks. This measurement demonstrates that resolved photon processes play an important role in the photoproduction of charm quarks. Single and double differential cross sections of both event samples are compared to predictions of pertubat ive QCD in leading and next to leading order. |
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