2D Bose-Einstein condensate of Potassium-39
Tunable interactions and configurable density
Quantum simulation and non-equilibrium dynamics
dual bosonic degenerate gases
high resolution imaging
tunable interactions in spin degree of freedom
Tweets by SynQS
funded by QUANTERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies – Quantum Phenomena and Resources (QPR)
funded by DFG (OB 164/17-1)
cooperation partner, funded by DFG (AE 93/21-1) (Werner Aeschbach)
cooperation partner in ‘ERC-2020-COG101001451 — TITANICA (Núria Casacuberta Arola)
funded by Excellence Cluster STRUCTURES (EXC2181/1)
Collaborative Research Center CRC1225
funded by the BMWi. In close collaboration with Università di Trento, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), and JoS QUANTUM GmbH.