year | 2018 |
author(s) | Alexander Werner |
title | Dielektrische Permittivität des Glases Br-DGEBA zwischen 10mK und 5K im MHz-Bereich |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 18-27 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F3 |
document type | Bachelorarbeit |
Abstract (de) | Tunnelsysteme bestimmen die Tieftemperatureigenschaften amorpher Festkörper. Durch das phänomenologische Standardtunnelmodell lassen sich diese gut beschreiben. Jedoch wurden in früheren dielektrischen Messungen unter Anderem erhebliche Abweichungen von diesem Modell festgestellt. |
Abstract (en) | Tunneling systems determine the low-temperature properties of amorphous solids. The phenomenological standard tunneling model provides a solid description. However, significant deviations from this model were noted in earlier dielectric measurements. Numerous extensions of the model, such as the consideration of nuclear quadrupoles whose influence could be proved in polarization echoes were proposed as a consequence. The goal of this work is to investigate a brominated version of the amorphous monomer bisphenol-A-diglycidylether (Br-DGEBA) on the validity of the standard tunneling model and the influence of quadrupole moments, due to the presence of bromine atoms, in the MHz range. The sample Br-DGEBA was investigated in this work for its dielectric properties in the temperature range from 10mK to 5K. The glass serves as a dielectric of a capacitor, which was installed in the form of an LC parallel resonant circuit in a dilution refrigerator. The sample got read out with a network analyzer with a resonance frequency of 63MHz. The characteristic minimum in the real part of the dielectric function of Br-DGEBA is 1.1K. The slopes above and below the minimum temperature follow the standard tunneling model. Only below 20mK a deviation can be seen which can be interpreted as an indication of the influence of the existing nuclear quadrupole moments. However, a systematic error due to incomplete thermalization of the sample due to a very large heat capacity can not be excluded. This has already been observed in previous measurements on glasses with large nuclear quadrupole moments. |
bibtex | @misc{DPG105, author = {Alexander Werner}, title = {Dielektrische Permittivität des Glases Br-DGEBA zwischen 10mK und 5K im MHz-Bereich}, year = {2018} } |
Datei |