year | 2008 |
author(s) | M. Trippenbach, E. Infeld, J. Gocalek, M. Matuszewski, M. Oberthaler and B.A. Malomed |
title | Spontaneous symmetry breaking of gap solitons and phase transitions in double-well traps |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 08-99 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F17 |
document type | Paper |
source | Physical Review A 78 (2008) 013603 |
doi | |
Abstract (en) | We study stationary states of a two-dimensional (2D) Bose-Einstein condensate with both attractive and repulsive nonlinearities in a combination of a double-square-well potential in one direction and a perpendicular optical lattice. We look for dual-core solitons in this configuration, focusing on their symmetry-breaking bifurcations. For attractive interactions, without the lattice, a similar analysis was performed [M. Matuszewski et al., Phys. Rev. A 75, 063621 (2007)], where subcritical bifurcation transforming antisymmetric gap solitons into asymmetric ones was found. Here we focus on the effect of an optical lattice and the so created gap solitons. We discover that a phase transition occurs when the lattice depth increases and the additional dimension becomes strongly suppressed. The bifurcation type changes from subcritical (typical for a 2D system, with hysteresis) to supercritical (typical for a one-dimensional system). An additional advantage of the lattice is that gap solitons exist even for repulsive interactions. In this case we also discover bifurcation of a supercritical type. The analysis is based on a variational approximation, which is surprisingly well verified by numerical results. |
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