year | 2013 |
author(s) | CALICE collaboration |
title | Calorimetry for Lepton Collider Experiments - CALICE results and activities |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 13-121 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F11 |
document type | Paper |
Abstract (en) | The CALICE collaboration conducts calorimeter R&D for highly granular calorimeters, mainly for their application in detectors for a future lepton collider at the TeV scale. The activities ranges from generic R&D with small devices up to extensive beam tests with prototypes comprising up to several 100000 calorimeter cells. CALICE has validated the performance of particle flow algorithms with test beam data and delivers the proof of principle that highly granular calorimeters can be built, operated and understood. The successes achieved in the past years allows the step from prototypes to calorimeter systems for particle physics detectors to be addressed. |
URL | CALICE results and activities |