year | 2015 |
author(s) | Lukas Keiber |
title | Micropatterning a Novel Hydrogel for Tissue Engineering |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 15-97 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F18 |
document type | Bachelorarbeit |
Abstract (de) | Eine Vielzahl an Patienten weltweit leidet an Krankheiten, die korpereigenes Gewebe verandern oder zerstoren. Der globale Mangel an Spenderorganen verlangt nach der Entwicklung von Methodiken, die die gezielte Nachzüchtung von menschlichem |
Abstract (en) | Thousands of patients all around the world suer from diseases that destroy or weaken the structure of their naturally grown tissue. A global lack of donors requires new technologies to be developed which allow the creation of articial, fully functioning organs in vitro. This problem requires an interdisciplinary approach, combining Physics, Biology and Biochemistry. Cells in culture asks grow in arbitrary directions, but in vivo they occur in highly organised structures like networks in case of neurons or linear structures in muscle bres. Here, a novel photosensitive patternable hydrogel based on Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) is introduced which has proven to guide cells along a predetermined direction. Immobilised FBS allows the generation of stable geometries on the micrometer-scale (single-cell dimension) that keep their structure over several days. |