KIP publications

year 2015
author(s) Ion Stroescu, David B. Hume and Markus K. Oberthaler
title Double-well atom trap for fluorescence detection at the Heisenberg limit
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 15-07
KIP-Gruppe(n) F17
document type Paper
source PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 91 (2015) 013412, arXiv:1411.5812
doi 10.1103/PhysRevA.91.013412
Abstract (en)

We experimentally demonstrate an atom number detector capable of simultaneous detection of two mesoscopic ensembles with single-atom resolution. Such a sensitivity is a prerequisite for quantum metrology at a precision approaching the Heisenberg limit. Our system is based on fluorescence detection of atoms in a hybrid trap in which a dipole barrier divides a magneto-optical trap into two separated wells. We introduce a noise model describing the various sources contributing to the measurement error and report a limit of up to 500 atoms for single-atom resolution in the atom number difference.

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