KIP publications

year 1999
author(s) G. Weiss, M. Hübner, C. Enss
title Sound velocity and internal friction of Li-doped KCl
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 99-31
KIP-Gruppe(n) F3
document type Paper
source Physica B 263-264, 388-391 (1999)
Abstract (de)

Low-frequency acoustic experiments are reported on Li-doped KCl crystals and pure KCl at temperatures between 70mK and 30 K. The temperature dependence of the transverse sound velocity is caused by the eight-level Li-tunneling systems and their particular symmetry. Both resonant and relaxational contributions to the acoustic susceptibility can be identiÞed. A consistent interpretation is possible for the two isotopes 6Li and 7Li.

Abstract (en)

Low-frequency acoustic experiments are reported on Li-doped KCl crystals and pure KCl at temperatures between 70mK and 30 K. The temperature dependence of the transverse sound velocity is caused by the eight-level Li-tunneling systems and their particular symmetry. Both resonant and relaxational contributions to the acoustic susceptibility can be identiÞed. A consistent interpretation is possible for the two isotopes 6Li and 7Li.

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