KIP publications

year 2006
author(s) A. Fefferman, S. Dimov, C. Enss, R. O. Pohl, and J.M. Parpia
title Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Sound Velocity of Amorphous Silica below 3 mK
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 06-57
KIP-Gruppe(n) F3
document type Paper
source AIP Conference Proceedings 850 (2006) 1125-1127
Abstract (de)

The sound speed ΔV/V0 of amorphous silica between 1 and 30 mK was measured using a double paddle oscillator, cut with a laser from a 0.4 mm thick plate of vitreous silica. The oscillator was operated at four of its resonant modes between 610 Hz and 14 kHz. Above 3 mK and up to the maximum of ΔV/V0, the sound speed exhibits the logarithmic temperature dependence predicted by the tunneling model with the slope C= 2.4 × 10-4, varying by a few percent between the various modes. Below 3 mK, the sound speed departs from the logarithmic dependence and levels off. This can be explained either by a large heat input (>10-3 nW/g) of unknown origin or by a low energy cut off, Emin, in the density of tunneling states of 1.5 mK.

Abstract (en)

The sound speed ΔV/V0 of amorphous silica between 1 and 30 mK was measured using a double paddle oscillator, cut with a laser from a 0.4 mm thick plate of vitreous silica. The oscillator was operated at four of its resonant modes between 610 Hz and 14 kHz. Above 3 mK and up to the maximum of ΔV/V0, the sound speed exhibits the logarithmic temperature dependence predicted by the tunneling model with the slope C= 2.4 × 10-4, varying by a few percent between the various modes. Below 3 mK, the sound speed departs from the logarithmic dependence and levels off. This can be explained either by a large heat input (>10-3 nW/g) of unknown origin or by a low energy cut off, Emin, in the density of tunneling states of 1.5 mK.

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