KIP publications

year 2011
author(s) Frederik Grüll, Manfred Kirchgessner, Rainer Kaufmann, Michael Hausmann, Udo Kebschull
title Accelerating Image Analysis For Localization Microscopy With FPGAs
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 11-88
KIP-Gruppe(n) F16,F18
document type Paper
source International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications 2011, Chania, Greece, 2011
Abstract (en)

Localization microscopy enhances the resolution of fluorescence light microscopy by about an order of magnitude. Single fluorescent molecules act as switchable markers. Their detected signals can be fitted with a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution and thus located with sub-pixel resolution. In this paper we propose that these fits can be done by calculating the center of mass instead of an iterative least-square fit without
loosing precision. The simplification of the algorithm leads to an acceleration of more than a factor of 100 and enables an FPGA implementation with an additional performance boost by a factor of 225. Our findings allow the real-time processing of current and future image data rates in localization microscopy.

  author   = {Frederik Grüll, Manfred Kirchgessner, Rainer Kaufmann, Michael Hausmann, Udo Kebschull},
  title    = {Accelerating Image Analysis For Localization Microscopy With FPGAs},
  journal  = {International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications 2011, Chania, Greece},
  volume   = {},
  year     = {2011},
  pages    = {}
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