year | 2010 |
author(s) | Bernhard Vogginger |
title | Testing the Operation Workflow of a Neuromorphic Hardware System with a Functionally Accurate Model |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 10-12 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F9 |
document type | Diplomarbeit |
Keywords (shown) | neuromorphic hardware, system simulation, operation workflow, software framework, biological neural network benchmarks |
Abstract (de) | Neuromorphe Hardware ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz zur Untersuchung und zum Nachbau von biologischen neuronalen Netzen. Diese Arbeit wurde im Rahmen eines Projektes vollzogen, welches die Entwicklung eines großskaligen hochbeschleunigten neuromorphen Systems zum Ziel hat. Zur Emulation neuronaler Netzwerke verschiedenster Art bietet dieses System einen großen Spielraum an möglichen Konfigurationen. Das wiederum stellt hohe Anforderungen an die Ansteuerung des Systems. Um den zugehörigen Arbeitsablauf zu testen und die dafür zuständige Software zu erweitern, wurde eine ausführbare Systemsimulation der neuromorphen Hardware weiterentwickelt. Der Schwerpunkt lag in der Übertragung von Hardware-Neuronen und -Synapsen in funktionelle Modelle für die Systemsimulation, welche das Verhalten der echten Hardware möglichst präzise widerspiegeln soll. |
Abstract (en) | Neuromorphic hardware represents a promising approach for the investigation and reverse-engineering of biological neural networks. This thesis has been carried out as part of an ongoing effort to develop a large-scale highly-accelerated neuromorphic system. By providing a large and diverse configuration space the system offers the possibility of emulating nearly arbitrary neural network architectures. This, however, sets demanding requirements on the operation of the system. In order to test the associated operation workflow and to improve the responsible software layers, a previously developed executable system simulation of the neuromorphic hardware device was significantly enhanced. The focus lied on the development of functionally accurate models of the hardware neurons and synapses for the system simulation, which is intended to reflect the behavior of the physical hardware as precisely as possible. The operational workflow was successfully tested with the system simulation. The enhanced system simulation was a key ingredient in testing and optimizing the operation workflow. Finally, the functionality of the neurmorphic hardware was demonstrated through the successful emulation of three biologically relevant benchmark models. |
bibtex | @article{bvogging10, author = {Bernhard Vogginger}, title = {Testing the Operation Workflow of a Neuromorphic Hardware System with a Functionally Accurate Model}, journal = {diploma thesis}, volume = {}, year = {2010}, pages = {} } |
Datei | Diplomarbeit B. Vogginger |