year | 2007 |
author(s) | E. Garutti, N. D"Ascenzo, M. Göttlich, H.-C. Schultz-Coulon, A. Tadday |
title | Application of novel silicon-based photo-detector to calorimetry and medical physics |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 07-36 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F11 |
document type | Paper |
Keywords (shown) | Positron Emission Tomography, Silicon Photomultiplier, Multi Pixel Photon Counter, International Linear Collider |
source | Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2007. NSS "07. IEEE, Volume: 3, On page(s): 2019-2022 |
Abstract (en) | Various samples of newly produced Micro-Pixels Photon Counters have been characterized and their properties are compared. The samples differ in the total number of active pixels as well as in the total detector area. The application of these devices for the next generation of highly granular calorimeter readout is discussed. Their enhanced blue sensitivity allows to consider direct coupling to plastic scintillator tiles as an alternative to the traditional readout mediated by a wavelength shifter fiber. The spin-off application for time resolution PET readout is considered. First measurements are presented of energy and time resolution obtained with a test system consisting of two inorganic scintillator crystals coupled to MPPC readout. |
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