year | 2007 |
author(s) | Andreas W. Jung, Katja Krüger, Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon, ... |
title | First Results of the Third Level of the H1 Fast Track Trigger. |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 07-24 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F10 |
document type | Paper |
Keywords (shown) | FTT, IEEE, H1, Track Trigger, Fast Track Trigger, on-line reconstruction, H1, HERA, real time, PPC, invariant mass, Track Trigger |
source | Proc. of the 2007 IEEE NPSS RealTime Conference, Chicago, USA |
Abstract (de) | To make the best possible use of the higher luminosity provided by the upgraded HERA collider, the H1 collaboration has built the Fast Track Trigger (FTT). It is integrated in the first three levels (L1-L3) of the H1 trigger scheme and provides enhanced selectivity for events with charged particles. The FTT allows the reconstruction of tracks in the central drift chambers down to 100 MeV. Within the 2.3 µs latency of the first trigger level coarse two dimensional track information in the plane transverse to the beam is provided. At the second trigger level (20 µs latency), high resolution, three dimensional tracks are reconstructed. Trigger decisions are derived from track momenta, multiplicities and topologies. At the third trigger level a farm of commercial PowerPC boards allows a partial event reconstruction. Within the L3 latency of 100 µs exclusive final states (e.g. D , J/) are identified using track based invariant mass calculations. In addition an on-line particle identification of electrons and muons with additional information from other subdetectors is performed. First results obtained from the third level, which is fully operational since 2006, are presented. |
Abstract (en) | To make the best possible use of the higher luminosity provided by the upgraded HERA collider, the H1 collaboration has built the Fast Track Trigger (FTT). It is integrated in the first three levels (L1-L3) of the H1 trigger scheme and provides enhanced selectivity for events with charged particles. The FTT allows the reconstruction of tracks in the central drift chambers down to 100 MeV. Within the 2.3 µs latency of the first trigger level coarse two dimensional track information in the plane transverse to the beam is provided. At the second trigger level (20 µs latency), high resolution, three dimensional tracks are reconstructed. Trigger decisions are derived from track momenta, multiplicities and topologies. At the third trigger level a farm of commercial PowerPC boards allows a partial event reconstruction. Within the L3 latency of 100 µs exclusive final states (e.g. D , J/) are identified using track based invariant mass calculations. In addition an on-line particle identification of electrons and muons with additional information from other subdetectors is performed. First results obtained from the third level, which is fully operational since 2006, are presented. |
Datei | ieee_proceedings |