KIP publications

year 2006
author(s) M.Hein, P. Dumas, M. Sinther, A. Priebe, A. Bruckbauer, A. Pucci, and A. Otto
title Relation between surface resistance, infrared-, surface enhanced infrared- and Raman spectroscopies of CO and C2H4 on copper
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 05-65
KIP-Gruppe(n) F6
document type Paper
source Surface Science 600 (2006) 1017
doi 10.1016/j.susc.2005.12.040
Abstract (en)

The common basis of the observations made with the four experimental methods is the transient electron transfer from the metal to the lowest unoccupied electronic states of the adsorbed molecules.

  author   = {Hein, M. and Dumas, P. and Sinther, M. and Priebe, A. and Lilie, P. and Bruckbauer, A. and Pucci, A. and Otto, A.},
  title    = {Relation between surface resistance, infrared-, surface enhanced infrared- and surface enhanced Raman-spectroscopy{'}s of {C}$_2${H}$_4$ and {CO} on copper},
  journal  = {Surf. Sci.},
  year     = {2006},
  volume   = {600},
  pages    = {1017-1025},
  doi      = {10.1016/j.susc.2005.12.040},
  url      = {}
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