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Eric Müller

Sebastian Schmitt

Christian Mauch

Advanced Tools

Seminar (Summer 2017)

Know your tools…


In the seminar “Advanced Tools” we inspect selected topics covering a wide range of software development methods, data analysis tools as well as topics related to custom experiment hardware that are typically encountered in physics. Each week, one topic will be presented by a student in a 45-minutes talk with subsequent discussion and a written report. This seminar counts as a "Mandatory Advanced Seminar" (MVSem; 6CP; Moodle, LSF) and target audience are Master students.

List of planned seminar talks:

  • Version Control Systems (“focusing modern VCS tools”)
  • Software plumbing in Unix-like environments
  • Debugging and profiling
  • Test-driven/Continuous Integration-based development and Code Review
    (“Why things break, how to detect fails early and how to improve the situation”)
  • Building and deploying software
  • Driving custom experiment hardware: (4 Topics)
    • Device drivers
    • Real-time programming
    • Embedded programming
    • Monitoring experiment hardware
  • Visualization (“matplotlib et al.”)
  • Software project management and team-based development
  • Python Wrappers (“Gluing Python to C++”)
  • ROOT (“Data analysis frameworks”)

Topics will be introduced and assigned to speakers during the first meeting on 2017-04-19 09:15 in INF227(KIP) room SR 1.401 (CIP-Pool). The seminar will take place at KIP / SR 2.404 on Mondays 14:15–16:00.


Eric Müller, Sebastian Schmitt, Christian Mauch, Karlheinz Meier (Mentor).
