Biophotonics I (WS 2019/20)



There are no accompanying exercises. A successful completion of the final examination (written test, Klausur) will be credited with 2 CP.


NOTE: you can now register for participation at the exam ("Klausur") with the following link:







  • Bergmann-Schäfer, Optik (Walter de Gruyter)
  • E. Hecht, Optik (Addison-Wesley)
  • J. Bille, W. Schlegel, Medizinische Physik 3 (Springer)
  • P.N. Prasad, Biophotonics (Wiley)
  • T. Vo-Dinh, Biomedical Photonics Handbook (CRC Press)
  • V.V Tuchin, Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics (SPIE Press)
  • G.G. Hammes, Spectroscopy for the biological sciences (Wiley)
  • J.R. Lakowicz, Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy (Springer)