Get started in 1998: Heat capacity measured by quasi-adiabatic methods (U of Cologne)
Excited about my first poster at DPG spring meeting 1998
First coauthored paper...
My first and probably most nervous talk: La Jolla 1999
A bit touchy but dear & precious: VSM
Hat der alte Fonermeister ...
Herr und Meister, hör mich rufen! |
HE-XRD Beamtime @ HASYLAB with Christian Hess (now: U Wuppertal) & Jochen Geck (now: TU Dresden) (1999)
Bernd Büchner's Cologne team 1999
With strong support by friends
2000: My last 400 hurdles...
PhD RWTH Aachen February 2003
Became hooked to EPR @ NHMFL Tallahassee 2003 (with Vladik Kataev)
Pulsed-field magnetisation & EPR @ LNCMP Toulouse 2004-2005
Inelastic neutron studies @ ILL Grenoble 2005
Heading the CARBIO network 2006 -2010
Yes we can! such a big fish @ IFW
Semper apertus! Towards the "living spirit" in Heidelberg
Meet/feed a scientist!
See the world with PhysicsTours!
KIP Professors and my team, xmas 2016
Yes, we are excellent!
Great team!