Continuous, reagent-free measurement of glucose

Because of the risk of urgent health damage as well as long term consequences as diabetic retinopathy or diabetic foot syndrome, it is essential for diabetics to permanently control their blood sugar concentration.
The project KORG investigates in a reagent-free, continuous glucose monitoring method in subcutaneous tissue.

The scientific approach is based on the high sensitivity and specificity of infrared spectroscopy combined with using quantum cascade lasers in the relevant spectral region as well the development of a suitable biocompatible sensor head.

After clarifying the risks, limits and possibilities of fiber-based mid infrared spectroscopy we will analyse the signal to noise ratio, possible interference phenomena due to interstitial fluids and signal stability. That will be done in coperation with Prof Pucci at the Kirchhoff Institute for physics.

Beside the spectroscopic investigation, there will be studies on toxicity and bio-compatibility of the sensors, which are done by the research group of Prof Gretz at the  Medical Research Center Mannheim.

In the figure a fiber with a cavity of 300µm width and 30µm length serving as a interaction zone with interstitial fluids is shown.

One longterm goal is to build an 'artificial pancreas' by the combination of a reagent-free glucose sensor and an insulin pump, which together could maintain the glucose circle by itself.

We appreciate the funding of the project by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung.

Further information about the coperation partners can be found here: