KIP publications

year 2024
author(s) Xu R, Taheriniya S, Varri A, Ulanov M, Konyshev I, Krämer L, McRae L, Ebert F L, Bankwitz J R, Ma X, Ferrari S, Bhaskaran H and Pernice W H P
title Mode Conversion Trimming in Asymmetric Directional Couplers Enabled by Silicon Ion Implantation
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 24-60
KIP-Gruppe(n) F31
document type Paper
source Nano Lett. 24, 35, 10813–10819
doi 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c02065
Abstract (en)

An on-chip asymmetric directional coupler (DC) can convert fundamental modes to higher-order modes and is one of the core components of mode-division multiplexing (MDM) technology. In this study, we propose that waveguides of the asymmetric DC can be trimmed by silicon ion implantation to tune the effective refractive index and facilitate mode conversion into higher-order modes. Through this method of tuning, transmission changes of up to 18 dB have been realized with one ion implantation step. In addition, adjusting the position of the ion implantation on the waveguide can provide a further degree of control over the transmission into the resulting mode. The results of this work present a promising new route for the development of high-efficiency, low-loss mode converters for integrated photonic platforms, and aim to facilitate the application of MDM technology in emerging photonic neuromorphic computing.

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