KIP publications

year 2024
author(s) Lomonte E, Stappers M, Krämer L, Pernice W H P, Lenzini F
title Scalable and efficient grating couplers on low-index photonic platforms enabled by cryogenic deep silicon etching
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 24-11
KIP-Gruppe(n) F31
document type Paper
source Sci Rep 14, 4256
Abstract (en)

Efficient fiber-to-chip couplers for multi-port access to photonic integrated circuits are paramount for a broad class of applications, ranging, e.g., from telecommunication to photonic computing and quantum technologies. Grating-based approaches are often desirable for providing out-of-plane access to the photonic circuits. However, on photonic platforms characterized by a refractive index ? 2 at telecom wavelength, such as silicon nitride or thin-film lithium niobate, the limited scattering strength has thus far hindered the achievement of coupling efficiencies comparable to the ones attainable in silicon photonics. Here we present a flexible strategy for the realization of highly efficient grating couplers on such low-index photonic platforms. To simultaneously reach a high scattering efficiency and a near-unitary modal overlap with optical fibers, we make use of self-imaging gratings designed with a negative diffraction angle. To ensure high directionality of the diffracted light, we take advantage of a metal back-reflector patterned underneath the grating structure by cryogenic deep reactive ion etching of the silicon handle. Using silicon nitride as a testbed material, we experimentally demonstrate coupling efficiency up to − 0.55 dB in the telecom C-band with high chip-scale device yield.

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