KIP publications

year 2023
author(s) Gloria Elena García
title False Vacuum Decay and the Possibility of Universal Dynamics for 0+1D Quantum Systems in the Periodic Sine-Squared-Gordon Potential
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 23-97
KIP-Gruppe(n) F27
document type Bachelorarbeit
Abstract (de)


Abstract (en)

This study aims to shed light on the 0+1D version of the periodic sine-squared-Gordon model in quantum field theory by solving the corresponding Schrödinger equation using the Fourier split-step algorithm.
A false vacuum decay observable reveals a retardation of the characteristic decay time of the system due to complex quantum phenomena occurring during time evolution, captured by a stretched exponential.
This investigation also addresses the question of whether universal scaling behavior can arise in far-from-equilibrium 0+1D quantum field theoretical systems. Remarkably, a tendency towards self-similar scaling behavior of momentum spectra with best matching scaling exponents  α = 0 and β = 0.5 in accordance with the scaling hypothesis is found. This finding opens up a path for further investigation of far-from-equilibrium quantum dynamics in zero spatial dimensions.

Finally, studying this model provides the opportunity to compare the Truncated Wigner Approximation, a commonly used semiclassical method in many-body quantum problems, with the exact quantum mechanical solution. It is found that this approximation fails to capture quantum effects that play a crucial role in describing the system's dynamics during time evolution.

  author   = {Gloria Elena García},
  title    = {False Vacuum Decay and the Possibility of Universal Dynamics for 0+1D Quantum Systems in the Periodic Sine-Squared-Gordon Potential},
  school   = {Universität Heidelberg},
  year     = {2023},
  type     = {Bachelorarbeit}
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