
Jahr 2023
Autor(en) Dong B, Aggarwal S, Zhou W, Ali U E, Farmakidis N, Lee J S, He Y, Li X, Kwong D-L, Wright C D, Pernice W H P, Bhaskaran H
Titel Higher-dimensional processing using a photonic tensor core with continuous-time data
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 23-71
KIP-Gruppe(n) F31
Dokumentart Paper
Quelle Nat. Photon.
Abstract (en)

New developments in hardware-based ‘accelerators’ range from electronic tensor cores and memristor-based arrays to photonic implementations. The goal of these approaches is to handle the exponentially growing computational load of machine learning, which currently requires the doubling of hardware capability approximately every 3.5 months. One solution is increasing the data dimensionality that is processable by such hardware. Although two-dimensional data processing by multiplexing space and wavelength has been previously reported, the use of three-dimensional processing has not yet been implemented in hardware. In this paper, we introduce the radio-frequency modulation of photonic signals to increase parallelization, adding an additional dimension to the data alongside spatially distributed non-volatile memories and wavelength multiplexing. We leverage higher-dimensional processing to configure such a system to an architecture compatible with edge computing frameworks. Our system achieves a parallelism of 100, two orders higher than implementations using only the spatial and wavelength degrees of freedom. We demonstrate this by performing a synchronous convolution of 100 clinical electrocardiogram signals from patients with cardiovascular diseases, and constructing a convolutional neural network capable of identifying patients at sudden death risk with 93.5% accuracy.

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