KIP publications

year 2023
author(s) Yannik Stradmann, Johannes Schemmel
title Biomorphic control for high-speed robotic applications
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 23-36
KIP-Gruppe(n) F9
document type Paper
  author   = {Stradmann, Yannik and Schemmel, Johannes},
  title    = {Biomorphic control for high-speed robotic applications},
  booktitle = {7th {HBP} Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research},
  year     = {2023},
  pages    = {277--281},
  month    = {mar},
  publisher = {Frontiers Media {SA}}
URL Proceedings of the 7th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research
URL Frontiers Book
Datei pdf
KIP - Bibliothek
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