year | 2023 |
author(s) | Yannik Stradmann, Johannes Schemmel |
title | Biomorphic control for high-speed robotic applications |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 23-36 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F9 |
document type | Paper |
bibtex | @inproceedings{stradmann2023biomorphic, author = {Stradmann, Yannik and Schemmel, Johannes}, title = {Biomorphic control for high-speed robotic applications}, booktitle = {7th {HBP} Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research}, year = {2023}, pages = {277--281}, month = {mar}, publisher = {Frontiers Media {SA}} } |
URL | Proceedings of the 7th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research |
URL | Frontiers Book |
Datei |