year | 2021 |
author(s) | Robert Klassert |
title | Simulation and Emulation of Probabilistic Quantum Spins with Neural Networks |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 21-75 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F17,F30 |
document type | Masterarbeit |
Keywords (shown) | quantum many-body physics, neuromorphic computing, neural quantum states, machine learning |
Abstract (de) | Generative künstliche neuronale Netze zur Darstellung von Quantenzuständen haben sich zu einem leistungsfähigen Variationsansatz für die Simulation von Quantenspinsystemen entwickelt. |
Abstract (en) | Generative artificial neural network representations of quantum states have become a powerful variational ansatz for the simulation of quantum spin systems. |
bibtex | @mastersthesis{klassert2021, author = {Robert Klassert}, title = {Simulation and Emulation of Probabilistic Quantum Spins with Neural Networks}, school = {Universität Heidelberg}, year = {2021}, type = {Masterarbeit}, month = {September} } |