KIP publications

year 2021
author(s) Friedemann Zenke and Sander M. Bohté and Claudia Clopath and Iulia M. Comşa and Julian Göltz and Wolfgang Maass and Timothée Masquelier and Richard Naud and Emre O. Neftci and Mihai A. Petrovici and Franz Scherr and Dan F.M. Goodman
title Visualizing a joint future of neuroscience and neuromorphic engineering
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 21-13
KIP-Gruppe(n) F9
document type Paper
source Neuron 109 (2021) 571-575
Abstract (en)

Summary Recent research resolves the challenging problem of building biophysically plausible spiking neural models that are also capable of complex information processing. This advance creates new opportunities in neuroscience and neuromorphic engineering, which we discussed at an online focus meeting.

  author   = {Friedemann Zenke and Sander M. Bohté and Claudia Clopath and Iulia M. Comşa and Julian Göltz and Wolfgang Maass and Timothée Masquelier and Richard Naud and Emre O. Neftci and Mihai A. Petrovici and Franz Scherr and Dan F.M. Goodman},
  title    = {Visualizing a joint future of neuroscience and neuromorphic engineering},
  journal  = {Neuron},
  year     = {2021},
  volume   = {109},
  number   = {4},
  pages    = {571-575},
  doi      = {},
  url      = {}
URL ZENKE2021571
KIP - Bibliothek
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Raum 3.402
69120 Heidelberg