KIP publications

year 2019
author(s) Ling Xin, Mo Lu, Steffen Both, Markus Pfeiffer, Maximilian J. Urban, Chao Zhou, Hao Yan, Thomas Weiss, Na Liu, Klas Lindfors
title Watching a Single Fluorophore Molecule Walk into a Plasmonic Hotspot
KIP-Nummer HD-KIP 19-103
KIP-Gruppe(n) F28
document type Paper
Keywords (shown) DNA Origami Plasmonics Nanoantennas Hotspots Fluorescence Single molecule spectroscopy
source ACS Photonics 6 (2019) 4, 985-993
doi 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01737
Abstract (en)

Plasmonic nanoantennas allow for enhancing the spontaneous emission, altering the emission polarization, and shaping the radiation pattern of quantum emitters. A critical challenge for the experimental realizations is positioning a single emitter into the hotspot of a plasmonic antenna with nanoscale accuracy. We demonstrate a dynamic light–matter interaction nanosystem enabled by the DNA origami technique. A single fluorophore molecule can autonomously and unidirectionally walk into the hotspot of a plasmonic nanoantenna along a designated origami track. Successive fluorescence intensity increase and lifetime reduction are in situ monitored using single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, while the fluorophore walker gradually approaches and eventually enters the plasmonic hotspot. Our scheme offers a dynamic platform, which can be used to develop functional materials, investigate intriguing light–matter interaction phenomena, and serve as prototype system for examining theoretical models.

  author   = {Ling Xin, Mo Lu, Steffen Both, Markus Pfeiffer, Maximilian J. Urban, Chao Zhou, Hao Yan, Thomas Weiss, Na Liu, Klas Lindfors},
  title    = {Watching a Single Fluorophore Molecule Walk into a Plasmonic Hotspot},
  journal  = {ACS Photonics},
  year     = {2019},
  volume   = {6},
  number   = {4},
  pages    = {985-993},
  month    = {March},
  doi      = {10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01737},
  url      = {}
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