year | 2019 |
author(s) | Robin Kaißner |
title | Double layer metal-based metasurface stack for light beam steering |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 19-90 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F28 |
document type | Masterarbeit |
Abstract (de) | In this work a double layer metasurface stack is reported, wherein one metasurface layer shows fully functional behaviour while the other metasurface layer is electromagnetically cloaked at the same time for near-infrared wavelengths. The metasurface stack consists of two gold nanorod based metasurfaces of different polar angle distributions on top of a glass substrate, separated by a few nanometer thick spacer polymer layer. It is shown that the coupling between the two meta- surfaces leads to effects, which cannot simply be attributed to the sum of the individual single metasurfaces. This observation is used to develop and introduce a post-fabrication dynamical magnesium/gold double layer metasurface stack, capable of steering a light beam into two arbitrary, independent and switchable directions. |
Abstract (en) | In this work a double layer metasurface stack is reported, wherein one metasurface layer shows fully functional behaviour while the other metasurface layer is electromagnetically cloaked at the same time for near-infrared wavelengths. The metasurface stack consists of two gold nanorod based metasurfaces of different polar angle distributions on top of a glass substrate, separated by a few nanometer thick spacer polymer layer. It is shown that the coupling between the two meta- surfaces leads to effects, which cannot simply be attributed to the sum of the individual single metasurfaces. This observation is used to develop and introduce a post-fabrication dynamical magnesium/gold double layer metasurface stack, capable of steering a light beam into two arbitrary, independent and switchable directions. |
bibtex | @mastersthesis{rk2018, author = {Robin Kaißner}, title = {Double layer metal-based metasurface stack for light beam steering}, school = {Universität Heidelberg}, year = {2018}, type = {Masterarbeit} } |
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