year | 2019 |
author(s) | Stefanie Czischek and Jan M. Pawlowski and Thomas Gasenzer and Gärttner, Martin |
title | Sampling scheme for neuromorphic simulation of entangled quantum systems |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 19-60 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F27,F30 |
document type | Paper |
Keywords (shown) | Quantum Physics, Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks |
source | arXiv:1907.12844 [quant-ph] |
Abstract (en) | Due to the complexity of the space of quantum many-body states the computation of expectation values by statistical sampling is, in general, a hard task. Neural network representations of such quantum states which can be physically implemented by neuromorphic hardware could enable efficient sampling. A scheme is proposed which leverages this capability to speed up sampling from so-called neural quantum states encoded by a restricted Boltzmann machine. Due to the complex network parameters a direct hardware implementation is not feasible. We overcome this problem by considering a phase reweighting scheme for sampling expectation values of observables. Applying our method to a set of paradigmatic entangled quantum states we find that, in general, the phase-reweighted sampling is subject to a form of sign problem, which renders the sampling computationally costly. The use of neuromorphic chips could allow reducing computation times and thereby extend the range of tractable system sizes. |
bibtex | @article{2019arXiv190712844C, author = {{Czischek}, Stefanie and {Pawlowski}, Jan M. and {Gasenzer}, Thomas and {G{\"a}rttner}, Martin}, title = {{Sampling scheme for neuromorphic simulation of entangled quantum systems}}, journal = {arXiv:1907.12844 [quant-ph]}, year = {2019}, volume = {}, pages = {}, month = {Jul}, url = {} } |
Datei | |
URL | arXiv:1907.12844 [quant-ph] |