year | 2019 |
author(s) | Michael Straub |
title | Neural Network Approach to Open Quantum Systems |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 19-19 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F30 |
document type | Bachelorarbeit |
Keywords (shown) | Neural Network, Open System, Restricted Boltzmann Machine |
Abstract (de) | Fur viele hochdimensionale Probleme bietet maschinelles Lernen sehr erfolgreiche |
Abstract (en) | For many high dimensionality problems, machine learning has shown great success. |
bibtex | @mastersthesis{straub2019, author = {Michael Straub}, title = {Neural Network Approach to Open Quantum Systems}, school = {Universität Heidelberg}, year = {2019}, type = {Bachelorarbeit} } |
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