year | 2017 |
author(s) | Valentina Rohnacher |
title | Infrarotspektroskopische Untersuchung zur Charakterisierung und Oberflächenmodifikation von Nickeloxid |
KIP-Nummer | HD-KIP 17-149 |
KIP-Gruppe(n) | F6 |
document type | Masterarbeit |
Keywords (shown) | nickel oxide SAMs infrared spectroscopy |
Abstract (de) | In dieser Arbeit wurden flüssigprozessierte Nickeloxid (NiO)-Schichten als viel versprechendes Lochleitermaterial für organische Solarzellen untersucht. Ziel war es, durch die Analyse mit Infrarotspektroskopie (IR), gestützt durch komplementäre Messmethoden wie Photoelektronenspektroskopie, Kontaktwinkelmessungen und Rasterkraftmikroskopie, ein umfassenderes Verständnis über die Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehung von NiO zu erlangen. |
Abstract (en) | In this work solution-processed nickel oxide (NiO) thin films were investigated as a promising hole-transport material in organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs), using infrared spectroscopy as the main measurement technique supported by complementary methods such as photoelectron spectroscopy, contact angle measurements and atomic force microscopy, to gain a deeper understanding of the structure-function relationship of NiO. Solutionprocessed NiO thin films were prepared by spincoating of a precursor solution, followed by the conversion into NiO at different annealing temperatures (275°C, 325°C and 400°C) to analyse the influence of the annealing temperature as well as oxygen plasma post-treatment on the energetic, chemical and morphological properties of NiO. To gain full control of the surface properties, NiO thin films were modified by self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Unexpectedly, no homogeneous orientation of the tested molecules on the NiO surface could be determined by angle-resolved IR spectroscopy. One possible explanation was given by |
bibtex | @mastersthesis{mavrohnacher, author = {Valentina Rohnacher}, title = {Infrarotspektroskopische Untersuchung zur Charakterisierung und Oberflächenmodifikation von Nickeloxid}, school = {Universität Heidelberg}, year = {2017}, type = {Bachelorarbeit} } |